If you need assistance with welding fume testing/sampling as discussed in this article, call us at 973-366-4660 or email us at info@atlenv.com for details and a free estimate.
Written By: Robert E. Sheriff, CIH, CSP, President
February 17, 2020
The Hazards of Welding Fume
Welding fumes contain a variety of metals, gases, and chemicals that can wreak havoc on a welder’s lungs. The smoke emitted from welding is actually minute particles that may contain hexavalent chromium also known as hex chrome or Chrome 6 especially when welding on stainless steel. Welding fumes may also contain lead, manganese, cadmium, nickel, zinc and any other metals that are components of the welded metal and the welding rod/wire/stick. All welding emits fumes whether MIG, TIG, stick, torch, laser, and plasma torch. The hazards of each are different. The only way to determine if the welding process is a hazard to a welder’s health is to sample the welder. The most common way is to place a portable sampler on the welder that collects a “breathing zone” sample of the welding emissions, and have the sample analyzed by a properly accredited laboratory that does industrial hygiene sample analysis.
Welding is tough work. Not many who begin as welders retire as welders. Many end up with respiratory problems such as COPD or even lung cancer. Eventually, practically every welder develops cataracts. Neck and back problems are also a foregone conclusion. Read on to learn more about welding fume health hazards.
Hexavalent Chromium – A carcinogen
There is also a long list of possible health problems depending on the type of welding. One welding fume hazard, hexavalent chromium, has been identified by OSHA as a suspect carcinogen. OSHA now enforces its exposure limits (29 CFR 1910.1026-General Industry) and (29 CFR 1926.1126-Construction). The most likely exposure to “Chrome VI” also known as “Hex Chrome” is the welding of stainless steel or chrome, also when using chromium-containing welding rods when doing stick welding.
Other welding health hazards include:
Manganese: Welding on carbon steel or heavy production welding of other steel, can cause nerve system damage resulting in Parkinson’s disease-like tremors. See Table Z-1 of OSHA Standard 29CFR1910.1000.
Nickel: From nickel alloy electrodes, nickel plating, cryogenic steels, is a suspect cancer-causing agent. See Table Z-1 of OSHA Standard 29CFR1910.1000.
Lead: Present in most steels, in higher levels in maraging steel and from lead paint on existing metal surfaces, damages muscles, bone, and nerves; especially dangerous to welders’ families with children 6 or under. See OSHA Standard 29CFR1910.1025 – OSHA LEAD STANDARD.
Copper Welding: Wires (MIG), Bronze, Copper Coating, and Copper Brazing, Brass can cause lung irritation. See Table Z-1 of OSHA Standard 29CFR1910.1000.
Zinc: Plated metal, galvanized metals-metal fume fever can cause a flu-like illness. See Table Z-1 of OSHA Standard 29CFR1910.1000.
Total Welding Fume: From heavy production welding, welding inside a vessel, pipe or container without good air circulation can cause chronic respiratory problems (COPD and Chronic Bronchitis). This is the type of welding that creates the greatest possibility of adverse health effects for a welder regardless of the type of welding performed.
Ozone: MIG and TIG welding and aluminum welding can cause eye, nose, throat irritation and lung damage. See Table Z-1 of OSHA Standard 29CFR1910.1000.
Beryllium: Used in precision components in aerospace, electronics, defense, medical and nuclear industries. Overexposure can cause Chronic Beryllium Disease (CBD), acute beryllium disease and lung cancer. See OSHA Standard 29CFR1910.1024 – OSHA BERYLLIUM STANDARD.
And that’s not all. Workers welding or cutting surfaces with paints, solvents, plastics, and other coatings will likely be exposed to decomposition products such as oxides of nitrogen, phosgene, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide.
Evaluating each working environment is essential. Under OSHA rules, it is generally required to identify hazards that are present and then to implement controls, such as ventilation, the substitution of high hazard materials for less hazardous ones, personal protective devices, and more effective training.
Respiratory Protection- Least Effective Protection. It is important to remember that respiratory protection is the least effective method of protecting the worker from welding fume hazards. In some cases, such respirators may increase the potential for injury because of the added burden the respirator adds to all the other necessary protective equipment welders must wear. Respiratory protection may be used as a supplement to engineering controls or as an interior control until engineering controls can be implemented.
Sample the Welder. Testing such as monitoring or personnel sampling/testing can be performed by a Certified Industrial Hygienist or an Industrial Hygienist.
Let the experts at Atlantic Environmental help you today with your concern for welding fume health hazards.
For more information regarding welding fume health hazards and how we can help you, contact Atlantic Environmental.
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